
The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity Launches Basic Income: Today, a News, Information and Community Site Focused on Universal Basic Income (UBI)

San Francisco April 8th, 2019 The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity ( Fund) today announced that it has launched Basic Income: Today, a news, information , and community site focused on Universal Basic Income. The site, accessible at https://basicincometoday.com is the only news hub providing a wealth of information about Universal Basic Income, the rise of technological unemployment and related topics. The goal of the site is not only to pr::lVide news, but more broadly, to further the discussion and debate among a geographically, demographically, socio-economically and politically diverse community on these vital issues. Content on the site is curated by the Basic Income: Today editorial staff, which is led by Scott Santens. Described by historian Rutger Bregman as “by far, the most effective basic income activist out there,” Santens has lived with a crowdfunded monthly basic income since 2016 and has been a moderator of the Basic Income community on Reddit since 2013. As a writer and blogger, his pieces about basic income have appeared in The Huffington Post, The Boston Globe, TechCrunch, Vox, the World Economic Forum, Politico, Business Insider , and Futurism among others. As a public speaker, he presented at the first World Summit on Technological Unemployment and has given keynotes and participated as a panelist at conferences across the United States and the world. He is on the board of directors of the Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity, and USBIG, Inc., while also serving as an advisor to the Economic Security Project and Universal Income Project. Basic Income: Today offers multimedia content, and its sources range from major international news organizations, to local news outlets, specialty and academic publications, with topic categories including social debate, pilots and experiments, social justice, income inequality, workforce automation, the basics of UBI, and success stories. Basic Income: Today also has a robust social media presence on Twitter (@TheUBINewsHub), Facebook (@TheUBINewsHub) and Reddit (u/UBINewsHub). “Basic Income: Today is the first initiative of the Fund and will long be among our most important,” said Dr. Gisele Huff, President of the Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity. “UBI as one answer to the threat of technological unemployment must rapidly gain awareness throughout society so that effective solutions can be devised and deployed before millions of American workers are displaced by technology. We created Basic Income: Today as a place for learning, and to spark conversations about how to respond to the threat .” “As a longstanding advocate for Universal Basic Income I can’t underestimate the importance of everyday people familiarizing themselves with the threat of technological unemployment and the opportunity of UBI,” said Santens, Editor of Basic Income: Today. “How we overcome challenges in our society typically starts by growing the number of informed citizens coming together in support of bold solutions. Basic Income: Today seeks to be a part of that process, and I invite everyone to become a part of it.”

About The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity

The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity is a non-profit organization that raises awareness of the threat of technological unemployment and supports Universal Basic Income by collaborating with education and advocacy programs and individuals to further its understanding, acceptance, and implementation to benefit all Americans. For more information please visit fundforhumanity.org

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