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Basic Income Pilots (BIP) is a comprehensive resource that gathers all the Universal Basic Income (UBI) trials and their outcomes in one place. It provides a clear overview of UBI experiments worldwide, presenting key findings and insights to inform discussions on this innovative social policy.

The Basic Income Today Community was created by the Fund to provide news and information and to further the discussion and debate about Universal Basic Income (UBI) and its impact on the economy at large.
We work to raise awareness of Universal Basic Income (UBI) and
to promote its understanding, acceptance and implementation.
The Latest

James Ellars, Forward United interviews Gisèle Huff
San Francisco, June 11th, 2020.

Paget Kagy interviews Gisèle Huff
San Francisco, February 27th, 2020.

Jon Munitz, The Hill of Roses interviews Gisèle Huff
San Francisco, November 11th, 2019.

Proposed ballot measure to raise corporate taxes, give every Oregonian $750 a year likely to make November ballot
June 17th, 2024

Opinion: Americans are working harder and making less. We need a new social safety net
San Francisco, September 23, 2023
Workers need a Universal Basic Income — and an angry middle-class just might deliver it.
Read the full article on MarketWatch.
By Gisele Huff and Andy Stern

Why this S.F. Holocaust survivor supports universal basic income
San Francisco, October 21, 2022

A conversation with "Force of Nature" author Gisèle Huff
August 2nd 2022.

Andrew Yang talks about Gerald Huff and the Fund For Humanity
Mountain View, September 25th 2021.

On Developing A Vision For A Better Society - A Podcast
San Francisco, August 30th, 2021.

The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity Launches Petition for Universal Basic Income
San Francisco, June 23rd, 2021.

Reality Check - By Gisele Huff, Founder and President of the Fund for Humanity
San Francisco, August 6th, 2020.

County Of Santa Clara Starts First-In-Nation “Universal Basic Income” Program
County of Santa Clara, July 27th, 2020.

Yang Gang Book Club interviews Gisèle Huff about “Crisis 2038”
San Francisco, July 11th, 2020.

James Ellars, Forward United interviews Gisèle Huff
San Francisco, June 11th, 2020.

Paget Kagy interviews Gisèle Huff
San Francisco, February 27th, 2020.

Jon Munitz, The Hill of Roses interviews Gisèle Huff
San Francisco, November 11th, 2019.

Proposed ballot measure to raise corporate taxes, give every Oregonian $750 a year likely to make November ballot
June 17th, 2024

Opinion: Americans are working harder and making less. We need a new social safety net
San Francisco, September 23, 2023
Workers need a Universal Basic Income — and an angry middle-class just might deliver it.
Read the full article on MarketWatch.
By Gisele Huff and Andy Stern

Why this S.F. Holocaust survivor supports universal basic income
San Francisco, October 21, 2022
Our Projects

Child Tax Credit Calculator
The Child Tax Credit (CTC) helps reduce federal income tax for families with children under 17 at the end of the tax year, providing financial relief for child-related expenses. The CTC is worth up to $2,000 per child for the 2024 tax year.
Learn how much your Child Tax Credit will be for your 2024 tax return.
Basic Income Pilots

Basic Income Today:
The Basic Income Today Community was created by the Fund to provide news and information and to further the discussion and debate about Universal Basic Income (UBI) and its impact on workers’ purpose, identity, dignity, and the economy at large.
Who was Gerald Huff?
Gerald Huff was 54 years old when he succumbed to pancreatic cancer on November 17, 2018, seven weeks after he was diagnosed. An ardent proponent of Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a transitional solution to the existential threat of technological unemployment, Gerald authored a techno-thriller novel, Crisis 2038, that was published the day before he died. The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, was established by his mother, Gisèle Huff, to promulgate his urgent message
Discover Universal Basic Income (UBI) via a series of short video discussions with Gerald Huff.
Watch an interview with Gerald Huff about Universal Basic Income (UBI) at the Milken Institute.
Discover Gerald Huff’s critically acclaimed book about UBI, now available for free as an audio book.