
The Fund For Humanity is proud to introduce the UBI Calculator​

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One of the most FAQ about UBI is how to pay for. Here is your chance to plug in your household income and the number of your dependents and to explore how it would work for you and your fellow citizens.

The UBI calculator has been designed in an effort to analyze the validity of the common concerns about the implementation of Universal Basic Income.​

Featured are nine different plans that show:

Bear in mind that the deficit in the boom year of 2019 was $984 billion and that the current rescue package for Convid-19 is reaching $3 trillion.​

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Basic Income Pilots (BIP) is a comprehensive resource that gathers all the Universal Basic Income (UBI) trials and their outcomes in one place. It provides a clear overview of UBI experiments worldwide, presenting key findings and insights to inform discussions on this innovative social policy.

The Basic Income Today Community was created by the Fund to provide news and information and to further the discussion and debate about Universal Basic Income (UBI) and its impact on the economy at large.

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